This is a rendering of a XML version of the Unimarc Manual available originally in HTML at http://www.ifla.org/VI/3/p1996-1/sec-uni.htm. The Unimarc Manual is Copyright by IFLA. The XML version is strictly for internal development and documentation purposes of BookMARC, LDA (http://www.bookmarc.pt) |
Note: due to the size of the UnimarcDoc XML document, it is broken in separate files. This file only contains the fields in the table bellow. | |
Tag | Name |
Mandatory | Yes |
Repeatable | No |
First Indicator |
In conformance with ISO 2709 this field does not have indicators. |
Second Indicator |
In conformance with ISO 2709 this field has no indicators. |
Description | This field contains characters uniquely associated with the record, i.e. the control number for the record of the agency preparing the record. |
Notes |
Subfields | |
Description | In conformance with ISO 2709 this field does not contain subfields. |
Related Fields | |
* |
An agency may be using other separately identified numbers such as ISBN or National Bibliography Number as a Record Identifier. See Notes on Field Contents above for treatment in these cases. |
Examples | |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
First Indicator |
In conformance with ISO 2709 this field has no indicators. |
Second Indicator |
In conformance with ISO 2709 this field has no indicators. |
Description | The field contains the date and time of the last record transaction. It allows machine systems to determine whether the version of the record being processed is later, earlier or the same as one previously processed. |
Notes |
Subfields | |
Description | In conformance with ISO 2709 this field has no subfield identifiers |
Related Fields | |
100 | GENERAL PROCESSING DATA(character positions 0-7) This is the date of original creation of the record and will not change even if the record is corrected or exchanged. |
801 | ORIGINATING SOURCE FIELD subfield $c This subfield gives solely year, month and day of modification, transcription and/or issue. |
Examples | |
1 |
010 : INTERNATIONAL STANDARD BOOK NUMBER | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mandatory | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Repeatable | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
First Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Second Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Description | This field contains an International Standard Book Number and a qualification which distinguishes between ISBN when more than one is contained in a record. The field corresponds to the ISBD Standard Number (or Alternative) and Terms of Availability Area. The field may contain the terms of availability and/or price, even if it does not contain an ISBN. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Notes |
Subfields | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a | Number (ISBN) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mandatory | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Repeatable | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description | A correctly applied ISBN including hyphens. The ISBN are assigned by the designated agency in each country. Not repeatable. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b | Qualification | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mandatory | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Repeatable | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description | An indication of the scope of the ISBN in subfield $a (if present), usually the name of a publisher, an indication of the binding of the item, or an indication of the relationship of an ISBN to a set or to a particular volume. (EX 3, 5, 6, 7). Not repeatable. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
See examples | 3 5 6 7 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
d | Terms of Availability and/or Price | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mandatory | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Repeatable | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description | The price of the item and any comment on its availability (EX 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8). Not repeatable. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
See examples | 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
z | Erroneous ISBN | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mandatory | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Repeatable | Yes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Description | An ISBN that has been identified as being erroneously applied to an item or is otherwise invalid. It may have been allocated to two different publications and in this instance cancelled (EX 8), or it may have been incorrectly printed (EX 9). Repeatable. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
See examples | 8 9 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Related Fields | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
011 | INTERNACIONAL STANDARD SERIAL NUMBER (ISSN) A number similar in use to the ISBN but applied to serials. |
013 | INTERNACIONAL STANDARD MUSIC NUMBER (ISMN) A number similar in use to the ISBN but applied to printed music |
Examples | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
First Indicator | blank (not defined |
Second Indicator | blank (not defined |
Description | This field contains the ISSN as assigned by an ISSN Centre, any ISSN which has been assigned and cancelled, details of terms of availability and/or price. It corresponds to the ISBD(S) Standard Number (or Alternative) and Terms of Availability Area, although the Key Title is entered in field 530. |
Notes |
Subfields | |
a | Number (ISSN) |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | A correctly applied ISSN including the hyphen between the fourth and fifth digits. Not repeatable. |
b | Qualification |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | Used to distinguish between ISSN if a record contains more than one. Not repeatable. Not used by the ISSN International Centre. |
d | Terms of Availability and/or Price |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | The price of the item and any comment on its availability.Repeatable. (EX 3, 6") |
See examples | 3 6 |
y | Cancelled ISSN |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | This includes any ISSN that was formerly valid but which has been cancelled by an ISSN centre (EX 2). Repeatable. |
See examples | 2 |
z | Erroneous ISSN |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | This includes any incorrect ISSN other than those recorded in $y. Most often this will be the result of a printing error. Repeatable (EX 5). |
See examples | 5 |
Related Fields | |
010 | INTERNACIONAL STANDARD BOOK NUMBER (ISBN) A number similar in use to the ISSN but applied to books. |
013 | INTERNACIONAL STANDARD MUSIC NUMBER (ISMN) A number similar in use to the ISBN but applied to printed music. |
040 | CODEN An additional identification system for serials. |
225 | SERIES An ISSN for a series to which the item being catalogued belongs may be entered in subfield 225 $x. |
530 | KEY TITLE The Key title part of the ISBD(S) Standard Number (or Alternative) and Terms of Availability Area is entered in field 530. |
4-- | -- LINKING ENTRY BLOCK An ISSN that is assigned to a higher level bibliographic item (series) or a lower level bibliographic item (subseries) that is related to the serial being catalogued, may be entered in an 011 field embedded in the appropriate linking entry field (4--). |
Examples | |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
First Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Second Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Description | This field contains the Fingerprint Identifier for older monographic publications (antiquarian) and a code for the institution to which the field applies which distinguishes between Fingerprint Identifiers when more than one is contained in a record. The field corresponds to the ISBD Standard Number (or Alternative) and Terms of Availability Area. |
Notes |
Subfields | |
a | Fingerprint |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | Calculated Fingerprint Identifier. The Fingerprint is assigned by the agency creating a record. Not repeatable. |
2 | Fingerprint System Code |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | An identification in coded form of the system from which fingerprint identifier is derived. Not repeatable. |
5 | Institution to which the Field Applies |
Mandatory | Yes |
Repeatable | No |
Description | Name of institution to which field applies in coded form. Since there are no internationally accepted codes, the codes from USMARC Code List for Organizations, which includes codes for many non-U.S. library agencies, are recommended. Otherwise, the full name of the agency or a national code may be used. If the institution holds more than one copy the subfield should also contain the shelfmark after a colon. Not repeatable. Mandatory if field present. |
Related Fields | |
010 | INTERNACIONAL STANDARD BOOK NUMBER The field contains the International Standard Book Number. |
301 | NOTES PERTAINING TO IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS The field contains a note on the fingerprint identifier. |
Examples | |
1 |
2 |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
First Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Second Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Description | This field contains an International Standard Music Number and a qualification which distinguishes between ISMN when more than one is contained in a record. The field corresponds to the ISBD Standard Number (or Alternative) and Terms of Availability Area. The field may contain the terms of availability and/or price, even if it does not contain an ISMN. |
Notes |
Subfields | |
a | Number (ISMN) |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | A correctly applied ISMN including hyphens. The ISMN are assigned by the designated agency in each country. Not repeatable. |
b | Qualification |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | An indication of the scope of the ISMN in subfield $a (if present), usually the name of a publisher, an indication of the binding of the item, or an indication of the relationship of an ISMN to a set or to a particular volume (EX 1, 2). Not repeatable. |
See examples | 1 2 |
d | Terms of Availability and/or Price |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | The price of the item and any comment on its availability. Where there is an 010 International Standard Book Number field and the contents of this subfield would simply repeat what is in 010$d then the subfield can be omitted. Not repeatable. |
d | Terms of Availability and/or Price |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | The price of the item and any comment on its availability. Where there is an 010 International Standard Book Number field and the contents of this subfield would simply repeat what is in 010$d then the subfield can be omitted. Not repeatable. |
z | Erroneous ISMN |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | An ISMN that has been identified as being erroneously applied to an item or is otherwise invalid. It may have been allocated to two different publications and in this instance cancelled, or it may have been incorrectly printed (EX 3). Repeatable. |
See examples | 3 |
Related Fields | |
010 | INTERNACIONAL STANDARD BOOK NUMBER (ISBN) The field contains the International Standard Book Number. It is sometimes difficult to decide whether a publication is a music edition or a "normal" book, or both. In these cases both an ISMN and an ISBN may be assigned. |
011 | INTERNACIONAL STANDARD SERIAL NUMBER (ISSN) There are only a few periodicals of printed music, but many music publications are issued in series. Both categories should be assigned, an ISSN for the serial title and an ISMN for each individual item in the series. |
Examples | |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
First Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Second Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Description | This field contains a unique, unambiguous code assigned to journal articles. |
Notes |
Subfields | |
a | Article Identifier |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | |
z | Erroneous Article Identifier |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | |
2 | System Code |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | The subfield contains an identification of the system under which the identifier was constructed. Not repeatable. Codes: biblid Bibliographic Identification of Contributors in Serials and Books (ISO 9115) sici Serial Item and Contributor Identifier (ANSI/NISO Z39.56) Note: ISO 9115 has been withdrawn and the use of the biblid is not recommended. |
Examples | |
1 |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
First Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Second Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Description | This field contains the ISRN as assigned by a national ISRN Centre. It corresponds to the ISBD Standard Number (or Alternative) and Terms of Availability Area. |
Notes |
Subfields | |
a | Number (ISRN) |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | A correctly applied ISRN including hyphens. The ISRN are assigned by the designated agency in each country. Not repeatable. |
b | Qualification |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | An indication of the scope of the ISRN in subfield $a (if present), usually the name of a publisher, an indication of the binding of the item, or an indication of the relationship of an ISRN to a set or to a particular volume. Not repeatable. |
d | Terms of Availability and/or Price |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | The price of the item and any comment on its availability. Not repeatable. |
z | Cancelled/Invalid/Erroneous ISRN |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | An ISRN that has been identified as being erroneously applied to an item or is otherwise invalid. It may have been allocated to two different publications and in this instance cancelled, or it may have been incorrectly printed. Repeatable. |
Related Fields | |
010 | INTERNACIONAL STANDARD BOOK NUMBER (ISBN) A number similar in use to the ISRN but applied to books. |
011 | INTERNACIONAL STANDARD SERIAL NUMBER (ISSN) A number similar in use to the ISRN but applied to serials. |
014 | ARTICLE IDENTIFIER A code assigned to journal articles. |
040 | CODEN An additional identification system for serials. |
Examples | |
1 |
2 |
Mandatory | Yes |
Repeatable | Yes |
First Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Second Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Description | This field contains an International Standard Recording Code and a qualification which distinguishes between ISRCs when more than one is contained in a record. The field corresponds to the ISBnot a government publicationD Standard Number (or Alternative) and Terms of Availability Area. The field may contain the terms of availability and/or price, even if it does not contain an ISRC. |
Notes |
Subfields | |
a | Number (ISRC) |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | A correctly applied ISRC including hyphens. The ISRCs are assigned by the designated agency in each country. Not repeatable. |
b | Qualification |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | An indication of the scope of the ISRC in subfield $a (if present), usually the name of a publisher, an indication of the binding of the item, or an indication of the relationship of an ISRC to a set or to a particular volume. Not repeatable. |
d | Terms of Availability and/or Price |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | The price of the item and any comment on its availability. Where there is an 010 International Standard Book Number field and the contents of this subfield would simply repeat what is in 010$d then the subfield can be omitted. Not repeatable. |
z | Erroneous ISRC |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | An ISRC that has been identified as being erroneously applied to an item or is otherwise invalid. It may have been allocated to two different publications and in this instance cancelled, or it may have been incorrectly printed. Repeatable |
Related Fields | |
010 | INTERNACIONAL STANDARD BOOK NUMBER (ISBN) The field contains the International Standard Book Number. It is sometimes difficult to decide whether a publication is a music edition or a "normal" book, or both. In these cases both an ISRC and an ISBN may be assigned. |
011 | INTERNACIONAL STANDARD SERIAL NUMBER (ISSN) There are only a few periodicals of printed music, but many music publications are issued in series. Both categories should be assigned, an ISSN for the serial title and an ISRC for each individual item in the series. |
013 | INTERNACIOANL STANDARD MUSIC NUMBER (ISMN) The ISMN is used for printed music. |
Examples | |
1 |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
First Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Second Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Description | This field contains the number allocated to the record of a bibliographic item by the national bibliographic agency, and an indication of the country of the agency. |
Notes |
Subfields | |
a | Country Code |
Mandatory | Yes |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | An identification of the country of the national bibliography (EX 1-4). Not repeatable |
See examples | 1 2 3 4 |
b | Number |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | The number as assigned by the agency (EX 14). Not repeatable. |
z | Erroneous Number |
Mandatory | Yes |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | A number erroneously assigned to a record (EX 2). Repeatable. |
Related Fields | |
Examples | |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
First Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Second Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Description | This field contains the number assigned to the item being recorded by the legal deposit or copyright office in each country |
Notes |
Subfields | |
a | a Country Code |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | An identification of the country of the legal deposit agency assigning the number. Not repeatable. |
b | Number |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | As assigned by the agency. Not repeatable. |
z | Erroneous Number |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | A number erroneously assigned to an item. Repeatable. |
Examples | |
1 |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
First Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Second Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Description | This field contains the number assigned to one of its own publications or to an item published on its behalf by a government body |
Notes |
Subfields | |
a | Country Code |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | An identification of the country in which the document is published (EX l-3). Not repeatable. |
See examples | 1 2 3 |
b | Number |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | The number as assigned by the government body. Not repeatable. |
z | Erroneous Number |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | A number erroneously assigned to a government publication. Repeatable. |
Related Fields | |
100 | GENERAL PROCESSING DATA, Government Publication Code (character position 20) This character position indicates whether the item is a government publication and the level of government responsible for it. |
Examples | |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
First Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Second Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Description | This field contains the control number of records obtained from other sources. |
Notes | |
Subfields | |
a | System Control Number |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | A code for the organisation in parentheses followed by the system control number for the record in that organisation's database. Since there are no internationally accepted codes, the codes from USMARC Code List for Organizations are recommended. Otherwise, the full name of the agency or a national code may be used. Not repeatable. |
z | Cancelled or Invalid Control Number |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | |
Related Fields | |
001 | RECORD IDENTIFIER The control number used as the unique identifier by the agency preparing the record. |
Examples | |
1 |
2 |
040 : CODEN (SERIALS) | |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
First Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Second Indicator | blank (not defined) |
Description | This field contains a unique, unambiguous code assigned to titles of serials by the International CODEN Service. |
Notes |
Subfields | |
a | CODEN |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | No |
Description | The six character code of which the last character is an alphanumeric digit. Not repeatable. |
z | Erroneous CODEN |
Mandatory | No |
Repeatable | Yes |
Description | A CODEN that has been identified as being erroneously applied to an item or is otherwise invalid. It may have been allocated to two different publications and in this instance cancelled, or it may have been incorrectly printed. Repeatable. |
Related Fields | |
011 | INTERANCIONAL STANDARD SERIAL NUMBER A numeric code also applied to serials to identify them uniquely. |
Examples | |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Mandatory | No | ||||||||||
Repeatable | Yes | ||||||||||
First Indicator | Type of Publisher's Number This indicator specifies the type of publisher's number contained in the field. It may be used to generate introductory text if a note is to be displayed from this field (EX 2, 4).
Second Indicator | Type of Publisher's Number This indicator specifies whether the agency supplying the record would use the data to display a note. If a generated note is not required (perhaps because the agency has also entered details in a 300 or 301 field (EX 3)) then this number should be set to 0.
Description | This field contains publisher's numbers used for sound recordings and publications of music. | ||||||||||
Notes |
Subfields | |||||||||||
a | Publisher's Number | ||||||||||
Mandatory | No | ||||||||||
Repeatable | No | ||||||||||
Description | The number as assigned by the agency. Not repeatable. | ||||||||||
b | Source | ||||||||||
Mandatory | No | ||||||||||
Repeatable | No | ||||||||||
Description | The agency which assigned the number. Not repeatable. | ||||||||||
Related Fields | |||||||||||
301 | NOTES PERTAINING TO IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS Unformatted publisher's numbers are recorded solely in this field. If the number as recorded in field 071 can be used in the same form, indicator 2 is set to 1 and a note will be generated. Otherwise indicator 2 is set to 0 and a note is added in field 301. |
Examples | |||||||||||
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |